
Advanced Dewatering

Anchoring Circularity

Wastewater dewatering technology

Cost saving, sustainable and dependable solution for municipal and industrial customers in the wastewater space

DES’s Dryvac system is a proven, sustainable and energy efficient option to handle wastewater challenges at whatever scale.

  • Eliminate the need for new digesters while reducing your methane and carbon footprint

  • Dewater your sludge up to 95%+ and return industrial quality water for maximum circularity

  • Enjoy lowest OPEX in class

Returns industrial quality water

Dewaters sludge

Dewaters industrial waste 99%+ for reuse

Solar thermal capable

Converts to a Class A EQ biosolids producing 95%+ dry cake. DES’s DryVac technology reduces hauling and disposal costs while decreasing energy consumption


Technology Screw Press DES's DryVac
Moisture Content 84% 5%
Water volume trucked per 20-ton load 16.8 tons of water 1 ton

DryVac is up and running in the city of Davis, CA!

Looking to find a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for your wastewater needs? We're here to help! Simply drop us a line and let's start a conversation today!